I’m working on a post about all the things we’ve done with Daisy in the past couple weeks, but in the meantime… I got to take her around the block this weekend!

A few tidbits that I learned this weekend:

  • You can pump up a Model A’s tires with a bicycle pump, but I don’t recommend it. Especially if you need to do all five of them, three of which start out at low enough presser to not register on your tire gauge.
  • Experience driving a modern-day clutch does not necessarily translate well to an antique car. In a modern car, I hit the clutch and throw the car into gear as quickly as I can. In an antique car, you should take your time, letting the transmission get into neutral, and then putting into the next gear.

    On our short around-the-block, I think Dave said “take your time shifting” (or similar) at least 3 times. Heh.

  • It’s a little jarring when a tire’s tube gives up all the air at once – even when the car is not moving! Dave and I were working on the tail lights, and I went to grab a tool and suddenly heard a big “whoosh”. It was the spare tire losing nearly all of its air! Probably time for a new tube.
  • Sparks are scary.
  • My wire strippers have a handy tool for determining the size of some common small screws.